Foster Mental Health by Engaging in Authentic Equity Work.

Has your organization made a commitment to address inequity, but found it difficult to affect real change?

Equity Through Honesty

We’ll guide you through the stages of change required to revitalize your organization’s culture, and help you build out comprehensive equity systems to turn your company and customers into a community.

And workshops? Yes, we excel at those. Our experiential workshops, center around themes that target exactly what your organization’s unique needs are, such as:


Racial Equity Assessment

Racial Equity Training & Coaching

Readiness for Racial Equity Action Leadership Scale

Intercultural Development Inventory & Intercultural Conflict Style

Unconscious Bias Training

Addressing Microaggressions

Taking Your Tolerance Temperature

Active Listening

Self-Compassion & Empathy

Let’s Work. Together.

Interested in collaborating with us to advance your equity work?

We're ready to partner with you. Send us a note.

Prefer to leave us a voicemail or message?

Call or text (831) 274-3274.