You Can Be The ONE To Help Young People Survive & Thrive

You don’t need an advanced degree to learn how to help someone through a mental health challenge.

  • Become Youth Mental Health First Aid Certified

    When a young person in your life sprains their ankle, gets poison oak or has the stomach flu, you likely know how to help them. But are you as confident in helping a young person cope with stress, navigate emotional challenges, relationship hardships and other mental health challenges? Like physical First Aid/CPR, you can become a Youth Mental Health First Aider and earn a certificate that lasts 3 years. Our facilitators are certified through the National Council for Mental Wellbeing.

  • Build Your Mindfulness Practice

    Mindfulness encompasses a broad range of techniques and practices that can be done anywhere, anytime, alone or with others, including young people in your life. Our facilitators are trained in breathwork, meditation, movement, sensory and reflective practices that can help you be present and restored. We also teach and experiment with ways you can introduce these skills to young people in your life.

Let’s Work. Together.

Interested in our customized systems to foster mental health within your organization, family, or yourself?

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